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European Parliament Resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

A speech in the EP

På den 17th of April the European Parliament adopted the resolution on the European Union’s coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.

Among other demands, the European Parliament called the EU and the EU Member States to respect the rights of persons with disabilities in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities when taking measures to combat the COVID-19. It also stressed that public information concerning the COVID-19 pandemic should be accessible to the widest range of persons with disabilities. The European Parliament also demanded that a particular attention should be given to an equal access to healthcare, community-based care and support services, needed by persons with disabilities on a daily basis and that they should be funded and well equipped and staffed.

EUD supports the position of the EU Parliament and highlights that is absolutely crucial to ensure fully and meaningfully accessible information in national sign languages for the deaf Europeans at all times during the pandemic.

You can find the Resolution here:

Alla publikationer från 2022-2026 samfinansieras av och produceras inom ramen för Europeiska kommissionens program för medborgare, jämlikhet, rättigheter och värderingar (CERV).

De åsikter som uttrycks är dock endast författarnas och återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis Europeiska unionens eller Europeiska kommissionens CERV-programs åsikter. Varken Europeiska unionen eller den beviljande myndigheten kan hållas ansvariga för dem.

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