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International Right To Know Day


The International Right to Know Day takes place every year on 28 September. It was proposed in 2002 at a meeting of information organisations from around the world in Sofia, Bulgaria and was first celebrated on 28 September 2003. It highlights freedom of expression and information, as well as in particular open and transparent information to citizens by public institutions.

EUD emphasises the importance of this event and the underlying principles, considering that one of the three long-term goals of our organisation is to empower Deaf sign language users through accessible information. With the upcoming European Parliament elections in 2014 EUD stresses that Deaf people must receive full and accessible information on all political parties at both EU and national level. Deaf people often cannot access information in their first and/or preferred sign language.

EUD takes a large part in creating accessible information on its website and to ensure Deaf sign language users can be involved and fully informed at all levels. However, EUD continues to specifically encourage EU and national public institutions to voluntarily provide information in sign language and subtitle audio content.

Further information:

International Day of the Right to Know website:

For the PDF file, please click here.

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