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Sidoevenemang om funktionshinder vid World Data Forum

UN World Data Forum

During the World Data Forum, which took place in October 2020, EUD participated in the side event “Persons with disabilities and COVID-19 data collection and disaggregation efforts” organised by the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, the International Disability Alliance, World Blind Union and CBM. 

During the event the newly launched Disability Data advocacy toolkit was presented. It includes valuable information on how organisations of persons with disabilities can advocate for good data, analyse data, use data, and collect community-driven data. We also learned how to encourage the statisticians and policymakers to work together and create evidenced-based policymaking. 

Importantly, during the side event the panellists explained how the Washington Group Sets of Short Questions can monitor the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities.  

EUD urges its members to get in touch with EUD if they wish to increase their advocacy on the national level for better data collection, as data collection tools are available and availability of disaggregated data by disability type can be vital when advocating on the national level and formulating national advocacy strategies.  

The recording of the event:    

List of resources: 

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