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On 19th of October, the Irish senate will vote on a bill on the recognition of Irish Sign language (ISL).

Ireland is one of the last countries in the EU, which hasn’t recognised its national sign language yet. The European Union is founded on the respect for multilingualism, and sign languages are part of that linguistic diversity. However, only one out of 12 Irish Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) has declared her support for this campaign so far.

We ask the remaining Irish MEPs to show their support by tweeting about it using the hash tag #yestoISL and tagging their colleagues in the Irish senate to showcase the importance of this bill.

We also invite the general Irish public to spread the word by tweeting about the campaign and tagging their senators, asking them to vote in favour of the bill.

Sign language recognition has the potential to strongly improve the language rights of deaf communities in Europe as well as their access to and participation in all areas of life. We hope that this campaign will raise awareness about the importance of sign language recognition across Europe and lead to a positive vote on the Irish sign language bill.

Alla publikationer från 2022-2026 samfinansieras av och produceras inom ramen för Europeiska kommissionens program för medborgare, jämlikhet, rättigheter och värderingar (CERV).

De åsikter som uttrycks är dock endast författarnas och återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis Europeiska unionens eller Europeiska kommissionens CERV-programs åsikter. Varken Europeiska unionen eller den beviljande myndigheten kan hållas ansvariga för dem.

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