Signing up for Democracy: Empowering Deaf Europeans in the EU Elections

We are excited to announce that the European elections are just one year away, scheduled for 2024. As we prepare for this important event, it is crucial to ensure that all deaf citizens have access to information about the democratic processes and their right to vote. We are proud to introduce the ADPA-EED website to promote equal opportunities and encourage active participation. Our project makes information about the European elections accessible to deaf people by providing it in International Sign, allowing approximately one million deaf European citizens to participate fully in the EU democratic processes. Join us in raising awareness about the rights of deaf Europeans.

Všechny publikace z let 2022-2026 jsou spolufinancovány a vydány v rámci programu Evropské komise Občané, rovnost, práva a hodnoty (CERV).

Vyjádřené názory a stanoviska jsou však pouze názory a stanoviska autora (autorů) a nemusí nutně odrážet názory a stanoviska Evropské unie nebo programu CERV Evropské komise. Evropská unie ani orgán poskytující podporu za ně nemohou nést odpovědnost.

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Deaf Lawyers

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