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Séminaire EUD & ANSR à Bucarest, Roumanie

EUD & ANSR Seminar in Bucharest, Romania

On the 17th of May EUD co-organised a seminar with Asociatia Nationala a Surzilor din România (ANSR, Romanian National Association for the Deaf) on “Overview of European Organisations”. 

Welcome & Introduction of Romanian Government Representatives took place first:

–       President of the Romanian National Association of the Deaf: Mihail Grecu

–       Representative from the Romanian EU Presidency: Dr. Diana Loreta Paun

–       President of the European Union of the Deaf: Markku Jokinen

–       President of the Romanian National Disability Council: Daniela Tontsch

–       Board Member of the World Federation of the Deaf: Kaisa Alanne

–       Member of the European Disability Forum Executive Committee: Humberto Insolera

–       President of the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters: Ivana Bucko

–       President of the European Network of Sign Language Teachers: Luigi Lerose

–       President of the European Union of the Deaf Youth: Dennis Hoogeveen

–       General Secretary of the European Deaf Sports Organisation: Philip Gerrard

All the 26 NADs were given the opportunity to give an overview of their associations. Their presentations were very interesting and showed how varied it can be when it comes to their country. Some associations are well funded whilst the others are struggling to find funding. If you want to know more, the video report is available here.

Today was an incredibly successful and informative seminar for the 103 registered participants.

EUD would like to show gratitude to ANSR’s team for their tireless work and co-operation to ensure a successful event for everyone.

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