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Interview with new efsli President


Last weekend, the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (efsli) hosted their annual General Assembly and Conference in Vienna, Austria. During the General Assembly, Marinella Salami from Italy was elected as the new President for a term of one year. EUD extends its warm congratulations to Marinella and the new composition of the efsli board.

It would be remiss of EUD not to mention the strong alliance and partnership it has built with efsli during Maya de Wits term as president. Maya was a pleasure to work with and a tireless worker on all things concerning interpreting. EUD wishes Maya all the best in her post efsli president years.

EUD Executive Director, Mark Wheatley represented for the EUD in the efsli General Assembly and Conference and interviewed Marinella Salami about her vision as new President for the efsli.

EUD looks forward to working with efsli into the future.

For more information about the efsli, please go to their website ici.

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