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#IWDeaf2018 #IDSL2018 #SignLanguagesDay

#IWDeaf2018 #IDSL2018 #SignLanguagesDay

On the 12th and 13th of September, we celebrated International Days of Sign Languages in Geneva, Switzerland for the first time. Several events related to that topic took part on this special day. During an event organised by the Swiss Federation of the Deaf together with the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN Office at Geneva, Mark Wheatley gave a presentation about legal recognition of Sign Languages in Europe.

The UN organised a guided tour of the Palais des Nations interpreted in sign language. Also, a screening of the Oscar-winning film “The Silent Child” with the screenwriter and actress Rachel Shenton took place.

Once again, Happy International Day of Sign Languages!


Liens :

Recording of the event celebrating the International Day of Sign Languages during the 421st Meeting during the 20th Session Committee on Rights of Persons with Disabilities:


Recording of the event organised by the Swiss Federation of the Deaf and the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN Office at Geneva for the occasion of the International Day of Sign Languages:


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