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Follow the European Commission’s weekly read-outs in International Sign

The European Commission’ College of Commissioners, comprised of the 27 Commissioners, meets as a general rule at least once per week. This weekly decision-making procedure is called the oral procedure.

In practice, the Commissioners meet every Wednesday morning in Brussels. However, during the plenary sessions of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the meeting takes place on a Tuesday.

In addition to the weekly meetings, the President of the Commission can also call for extraordinary Commission meetings, when circumstances require. These are held to discuss a particular topic, or in response to a specific event. 

After the meetings the European Commission does the read-out of the weekly meetings in a form of a press conference where the Commission presents what was discussed during a meeting. College read-outs is great way to receive an overview what is the European Commission working on and what are its current priorities.   

Since September 2020 the European Commission’ weekly college read outs are interpreted in International Sign. If you are interested in the work of the European Commission, you can find the weekly European Commission’ College read-outs below. 

European Commission’ weekly college read outs are interpreted in International Sign:

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