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Meeting by AGE Platform on elder abuse in health and long-term care.

Meeting by AGE Platform on elder abuse in health and long-term care.

On 16.06.2016, EUD participated in a conference organised by the AGE Platform on elder abuse in health and long-term care. One of the presentations – by Ana Peláez, a member of the UNCRPD committee – discussed ways to use the UNCRPD to fight against the abuse of elder persons with disabilities. She pointed out that the majority of elder persons with disabilities being female, the topic is of crucial importance. Furthermore, she underlined that the scope of the fight against abuse of elder persons with disabilities needs to be extended to all areas of life in order to ensure inclusion on all areas of life, going above the topic of health and long-term care. She also pointed out that state parties so far have not presented statistical data on this issue, which means that the committee was not able to issue concluding observations on this topic. This is why she suggested for DPOs to advocate for the inclusion of this issue in the national state’s report, so that the committee can get an overview of the situation in Europe and possibly issue a general comment on the topic.

More information on this conference can be found here:

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