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Webinar de explicare a Actului european privind accesibilitatea recent adoptat

Webinar explaining the recently adopted European Accessibility Act

On the 17th of June, the European Disability Forum (EDF) organised the webinar on the recently adopted European Accessibility Act (EAA). The EAA is a landmark agreement reached after decade-long campaigning by the European disability movement. The Act will set new EU-wide minimum accessibility requirements for a limited range of products and services.

The European Accessibility Act was officially adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU on the 7th of June. The period (called transposition) when national governments need to “translate” the Act into national laws has started. The webinar explains what exactly the recently adopted European Accessibility Acts entails for persons with disabilities in the EU. Which products and services are included? What are the obligations on manufacturers? How can you enforce your rights? What will happen next?

The webinar is a brief overview and introduction to get you acquainted with the content. The presenters during the webinar are Alejandro Moledo, EDF Policy Coordinator and Marie Denninghaus, EDF Policy Coordinator. 

The webinar is available in International Sign and provides with captioning.

Marie Denninghaus, Alejandro Moledo and Mher Hakobyan explain EDF’s final analysis of the European Accessibility Act and how to proceed:

European Semester Workshop:

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