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EUD-Webinar: Europäische Strategie für die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen 2021 - 2030

On the 31st of March EUD organised the webinar during which the new European Disability Rights Strategy 2021 – 2030 (the Strategy) was discussed.

Since 2019 the European Commission has been evaluating the impact and the implementation of the European Disability Strategy 2010 – 2020 and concluded that the Strategy is indeed vital, relevant and effective instrument for the implementation of the UN CRPD at the EU level. For this reason, the European Commission introduced the new and enhanced Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the next decade. The European Disability Rights Strategy 2021 – 2030 was developed in close consultation with civil society organisations representing persons with disabilities and EUD played an active role throughout the process. 

EUD has worked closely with the European Commission when evaluating the 2010 – 2020 Strategy and proposed concrete recommendations for the European Disability Rights Strategy 2021 – 2030. EUD has published evaluations, reports with recommendations, participated in strategic dialogues, conferences and events, engaged with all the relevant partners such as the European Parliament, promoted its priories and advocated for the strategy to meaningfully include the deaf perspectives in all of its action areas.

During the webinar EUD presented the work that has been done in the past years to influence the post 2020 Strategy and the representative from the European Commission, Ms Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Senior Expert in Disability and Inclusion at Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission explained the new structure and the priorities of the European Disability Rights Strategy 2021 – 2030 in detail. 

You can find the recording of the webinar in International Sign hier

Alle Veröffentlichungen von 2022 bis 2026 werden im Rahmen des Programms Bürger, Gleichstellung, Rechte und Werte (CERV) der Europäischen Kommission kofinanziert und erstellt.

Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen sind jedoch ausschließlich die des Autors/der Autoren und spiegeln nicht unbedingt die der Europäischen Union oder des CERV-Programms der Europäischen Kommission wider. Weder die Europäische Union noch die Bewilligungsbehörde können für sie verantwortlich gemacht werden.

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