Niente di noi senza di noi.

Niente di noi senza di noi.

  • Contatto

La riunione del consiglio di amministrazione dell'EUD si è svolta a Lubiana, in Slovenia.

EUD Board Meeting

An EUD board meeting took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 24 March for four days. This was the EUD’s first in-person board meeting since the beginning of the pandemic. Its chief aim was to focus on the upcoming General Assembly and elections. Other issues that were addressed include gender equality and the realisation of a deaf museum and sign language recognition in Slovenia.

On the first day, EUD Vice President Sofia Isari and Board Member Louise ‘Lolo’ Danielsson discussed the findings of the EUD’s survey on gender equality with the local Slovenian deaf women’s group. The audience were very warm and welcoming.

The next day, the EUD board was invited to the Hall of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana for the consultation on the implementation of the Constitutional Law on the Development of the Slovenian Sign Language. A presentation on the constitutional recognition of sign languages was given by the EUD’s President, Dr Markku Jokinen, alongside Vice President Isari. The consultation was streamed live and can be found on

Finally, EUD Executive Director Mark Wheatley gave a presentation about the Deaf Museums Project to the country’s deaf community, as they are drawing near to the time when a Slovenian deaf museum will become a reality.

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