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  • Contatto

Intervista dell'EUD all'eurodeputato sordo Adam Kósa sull'Atto europeo sull'accessibilità


The EUD had an opportunity to interview Ádám Kósa, a member of the employment committee (EMPL) of the European Parliament, on the topic of the European Accessibility Act (EAA). At this stage of the legislative procedure, different committees of the European Parliament give their opinions in form of a report on the act. The EMPL committee adopted its report on the EAA, drafted by Ádám Kósa who had been chosen as the rapporteur within the committee. The opinions on the act from the different committees will be taken into consideration when discussing it within the responsible committee of the European Parliament and with the Council.

In this interview, Ádám Kósa highlighted that the EAA is a long and extremely technical text that is not easy to understand. Its objective is to remove existing barriers and to ensure a fully accessible society for all, including deaf people.

Ádám Kósa as well noted that, once the act has been adopted, this will not be the final step – afterwards, it needs to be transposed into national law and implemented by the Member states to effectively remove such barriers, which can take a long time.

Tutte le pubblicazioni del periodo 2022-2026 sono cofinanziate e prodotte nell'ambito del programma Cittadini, uguaglianza, diritti e valori (CERV) della Commissione europea.

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