Niente di noi senza di noi.

Niente di noi senza di noi.

  • Contatto

Il seminario EUD si terrà a Gand, Belgio

EUD Seminar will take place in Ghent, Belgium

After the EUD Election in May 2017, we have our new EUD board starting their work for the next 4 years. We will have our first board meeting on the weekend of September the 1st 2017. The board meeting will take place in our EUD office in Brussels, Belgium. We will also take the opportunity to visit Fevlado, the Federation of Flemish Deaf and give a talk focussing on EUD itself. We will also engage in two debates; ‘Education for deaf children’ and ‘Deaf people and Employment’. Further information can be found at

The seminar will be taking place at Fevlado, Stropkaai 38, 9000 Gent, starting at 16:30.

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