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Designs project in Berlin, Germany


On 7th and 8th June, the Designs project was having their 2nd consortium partners’ meeting in Berlin, Germany. The project also delivered their community event on “Employment of sign language users in Europe” on 7th June where the experts were given the chance to discuss their initiatives for the project and for the community to share their experience and to enable the project to create some training products:

• Specialised training for Sign Language Interpreters who work in employment settings

• Sign Language and Deaf cultural awareness and training for employers and colleges

• Workshops for the Deaf community on employment matters whether type of training is needed. 

Our Executive Director, Mark Wheatley was in attendance for the consortium partners’ meeting and gave a talk in the community event on “Deaf Employment from Deaf Perspective – Results from the EU Survey”. Also he moderated a Q&A session at the end of the event. 

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