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Flemish Parliament’s hearing addressing the idea of creating a ’Two language education system via Flemish Sign Language and Dutch’.

Flemish Parliament’s hearing addressing the idea of creating a ’Two language education system via Flemish Sign Language and Dutch’

On the 25th of January, our Executive Director, Mark Wheatley attended the Flemish Parliament’s hearing addressing the idea of creating a ’Two language education system via Flemish Sign Language and Dutch’.

The presentation during the hearing was led by a representative of the VGT (Flemish Sign Language) advisory committee, Dr Maartje De Meulder and a representative of the Flemish Association of the Deaf, Marieke Kusters.

The goal of this hearing was to discuss the idea of setting up two language settings in regular schools that teach deaf and hearing children in Flemish Sign Language and Dutch.

The members of the Commission for Culture and Education of the Flemish Parliament were present to participate in the discussion. They also asked questions regarding the current state of the education system for deaf children in Flanders. Furthermore, they explored the possibility of financing a trial period of setting up a two language system in an existing school in Flanders.

We will update you on further developments in this regard.

The hearing was live-streamed. You can find the recording here:

The PowerPoint presentation given during the hearing is available here:

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