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Spotkanie w ramach dialogu strategicznego w sprawie Rocznej Konwencji na rzecz Wzrostu Włączającego 2019 r.


On the 15th of February EUD attended the Strategic Dialogue meeting during which participants discussed what should the next Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth focus on. The Strategic Dialogue was organised by and took place at the European Commission in Brussels. During the meeting Kataryna Ivankovic-Knezevic, Director for Social Affairs at the Directorate-General on Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) emphasised that the European Commission is committed to working together with civil society partners while preparing the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2019.

Emmanuelle Grange, Head of Unit of Disability & Inclusion of DG EMPL, moderated the session during which participants discussed which workshops should take place during the Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2019. Many representatives from the civil society organisations supported the idea that the focus during the Convention should be on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and SDGs Reflection Paper drafted by the European Commission in January, the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its link to the SDGs, the EU budget post 2020 and the new European Disability Strategy.

EUD welcomed that the Commission will organise a workshop on the new European Disability Strategy, as it is particularly important for the deaf community in the EU and suggested to organise workshop which would focus on how the monitoring mechanisms of the SDGs and the Pillar could be used together in order to efficiently and meaningfully track the implementation of these policy frameworks. We are looking forward to the ACIG 2019, which will take place this year on the 20th of May. 

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