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Assistive Technology and AI for Disabilities at the EESC : Crucial meeting but wobbly accessibility

On 14th March 2024, the EUD Policy Manager, Alexandre Bloxs, attended the crucial first 

meeting of the Permanent Group on Disability Rights of the European Economic and Social 

Committee. The meeting was titled “Potential and challenges of Assistive Technology and 

Artificial Intelligence on the life of Persons with Disabilities.”

This meeting brought together leading experts, policymakers, and advocates to explore 

innovative solutions and the transformative power of technology in ensuring accessibility 

and inclusion for all. EUD ensured the perspective of deaf people and national sign language 

users was not left out of the debate. 

However, EUD deplore that no meaningful inputs could be brought due to the lack of onsite 

International Sign interpreters, causing the impossibility for our Policy Manager to provide 

his insights. 

EUD remains committed to advocating for the rights and inclusion of deaf people across 

Europe and is willing to maintain an open consultation with the EESC to ensure full inclusion 

and accessibility of their events for deaf people. For more details on the event and EUD’s ongoing initiatives, visit our website.

Kõiki ajavahemikus 2022-2026 ilmuvaid väljaandeid kaasrahastab ja toodab Euroopa Komisjoni programm "Kodanikud, võrdõiguslikkus, õigused ja väärtused" (CERV).

Väljendatud seisukohad ja arvamused on siiski ainult autori(te) omad ega pruugi kajastada Euroopa Liidu või Euroopa Komisjoni CERVi programmi seisukohti ja arvamusi. Ei Euroopa Liit ega abi andev asutus ei saa nende eest vastutada.

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