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Mød dit medlem af Europa-Parlamentet: Milan Cabrnoch


In this month’s ‘Meet your MEP’, EUD Communication & Media Officer Lars Knudsen interviews MEP Milan Cabrnoch from Czech Republic. He is a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament. He is also member of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety at the European Parliament.

MEP Cabrnoch answered questions from Lars Knudsen about public health issues in the EU and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

For more information about MEP Cabrnoch, please go to his websted.

International Sign Interpreter: Brigitte Francois, United Kingdom.

Alle publikationer fra 2022-2026 er medfinansieret af og produceret under Europa-Kommissionens program for borgere, lighed, rettigheder og værdier (CERV).

Synspunkter og udtalelser er dog udelukkende forfatterens/forfatternes og afspejler ikke nødvendigvis Den Europæiske Unions eller Europa-Kommissionens CERV-programs synspunkter og udtalelser. Hverken Den Europæiske Union eller den bevilgende myndighed kan holdes ansvarlig for dem.

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