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Regional Forum for Sustainable Development and the Civil Society Forum


The fourth Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) region took place on the 19th of March 2020. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was held as a virtual meeting.  EUD as well as over 300 other representatives of non-governmental organizations, ECE member States, United Nations and other organizations virtually attended the Forum.

Notwithstanding these difficult circumstances, the Regional Forum was an excellent opportunity to continue the dialogue on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our region. During the discussions and presentations different ideas on how to speed up the progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda were presented.

It was highlighted that over the past years, policy-makers and communities have become more aware of the need to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, however still, the broad and deep transformative change that the 2030 Agenda promised has not happened yet.

Prior to the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development, virtual Civil Society Forum, organised by the United Nation Economic Commission of Europe and the Regional Civil Engagement Mechanism (UN ECE RCEM) took place on the 18th of March. EUD as a member of the Constituency of Persons with Disabilities of UN ECE RCEM attended the meeting and provided with input to the Civil Society’s statement which was delivered during the Regional Forum. EUD aimed at highlighting that ensuring the full accessibility of processes and information, for example in national sign languages and other accessible formats, throughout the implementation of SDGs is the key.

Visi 2022-2026 m. leidiniai bendrai finansuojami ir rengiami pagal Europos Komisijos programą "Piliečiai, lygybė, teisės ir vertybės" (CERV).

Tačiau išreikštos nuomonės ir požiūriai yra tik autoriaus (-ių) nuomonė ir nebūtinai atspindi Europos Sąjungos ar Europos Komisijos CERV programos požiūrį ir nuomonę. Nei Europos Sąjunga, nei pagalbą teikianti institucija negali būti už jas atsakingos.

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