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EUD supports its member organisations – the National Associations of the Deaf in Germany and Austria – in providing the deaf perspective at the 29th Session of the UN CRPD Committee  

UN CRPD Committee

This month, on 14de August 2023 in Geneva, the Committee of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) will review and provide Concluding Observations to the following State Parties to the Convention – Andorra, Austria, Germany, Israel, Malawi, Mauritania, Mongolia, Paraguay. However, as Austria and Germany are the only EU Member States, EUD has provided training ahead of this review to its member organisations – the National Associations of the Deaf (NADs) – in these two countries. 


Austria’s Committee review takes place on 22nd and 23rd August and Germany’s will be on 29de and 30de August. This review provides an opportunity for each delegation to ensure the deaf perspective is included in each review of these State Parties. EUD provided a training session for both NADs ahead of their reviews in order to support them in providing the deaf perspective at the session in Geneva. The key Articles of the CRPD they will be referencing include: 

To follow the sessions live, please visit this link

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