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Publication of EUD Policy Recommendations on the Access to Healthcare for Deaf Persons in the EU

The European Union of the Deaf (EUD) is delighted to release the “Policy Recommendations on Access to Healthcare for Deaf Persons” highlighting the main challenges deaf people are facing in accessing the highest attainable standard of health. The highest attainable standard of health for deaf people is translated by the right to inclusive healthcare environments in the national sign language. 

Operating with a human-rights-based approach, this publication offers concrete guidance to bridge the gap between the rights to the highest attainable standard of health and the current situation of deaf people in accessing healthcare. This paper was designed with research and consultations made with EUD Member Organisations –  the National Associations of the Deaf.  

Executive Summary of the Access to Healthcare for Deaf Persons in the EU

Alle publicaties van 2022 - 2026 worden medegefinancierd door en geproduceerd in het kader van het programma Burgers, gelijkheid, rechten en waarden (CERV) van de Europese Commissie.

De opvattingen en meningen die worden geuit zijn echter uitsluitend die van de auteur(s) en komen niet noodzakelijk overeen met die van de Europese Unie of het CERV-programma van de Europese Commissie. Noch de Europese Unie, noch de steunverlenende autoriteit kunnen daarvoor verantwoordelijk worden gesteld.

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