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European Days of Disability 2015 – Day One

Some EUD Board members and staff attended the European Day of Persons with Disabilities conference and it gave us the opportunity to network with several representatives from the EU Institutions and ENGOs.
The first topic of the conference panel was, ‘Growing up with a disability in the EU’.

The second topic was, ‘Situation of children and youth with disabilities in Europe’

Humberto Insolera took the opportunity to ask a question regarding deaf culture and the right to sign language in the situation in Italy relating to Article 24 and Article 30 of the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

We are also very pleased to see the debut of a deaf sign language user on the panel. The EUD has not had the opportunity for many years but EUDYEUDY- European Union of the Deaf Youth managed to get in. We are very proud to see this development.

We also took the opportunity to promote our recent publication, on the UNCRPD Article 33 by giving it to the European Commission and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) who have both contributed to the publication with an article.

Tomorrow, we will be moving on and focus on ‘From inclusive education to integration in society and economy.’

You can watch the conference here:…/european-day-of-persons-with-di…

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