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EUD Board meeting in Luxembourg


The third quarterly Board Meeting took place in the capital of Luxembourg, Luxembourg city. EUD Board members took the opportunity to review the EUD General Assembly that took place in Riga, Latvia and to see how preparations are progressing for the EUD 30 Years Anniversary conference and gala dinner planned for in November.

The seminar took place in the evening of 19 September to engage with the deaf community in Luxembourg, it went well with a lengthly discussion regarding the interpreting services and education for the deaf people.

Now we are looking forward to celebrate the International Week of the Deaf.

More information on International Week of the Deaf:

Všetky publikácie z rokov 2022 - 2026 sú spolufinancované a vydané v rámci programu Európskej komisie Občania, rovnosť, práva a hodnoty (CERV).

Vyjadrené názory a stanoviská sú však len názormi autora (autorov) a nemusia nevyhnutne odrážať názory a stanoviská Európskej únie alebo programu CERV Európskej komisie. Európska únia ani orgán poskytujúci granty za ne nemôžu niesť zodpovednosť.

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