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World Day for Audiovisual Heritage


The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, celebrated annually on 27 October, is a commemoration of the adoption of the Recommendation for Safeguarding and Preservation of Moving Images in 1980 by the 21st General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The World Day was approved in 2005 and aims to raise general awareness of the need to take urgent measures and to acknowledge the importance of audiovisual documents as an integral part of national identity. The theme for the year 2013 is: “Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation”.

Audiovisual documents, such as films, radio and television programmes, audio and video recordings, contain the primary records of the 20th and 21st centuries. Transcending language and cultural boundaries appealing immediately to the eye and the ear, to the literate and illiterate, audiovisual documents have transformed society by becoming a permanent complement to the traditional written record. But they are extremely vulnerable and it is estimated that we have no more than 10 to 15 years to transfer audiovisual records to digital media to prevent their loss.

EUD would like to motivate all Deaf people to save old audiovisual documents made for and by Deaf persons, safeguarding this precious heritage of the Deaf Community. Should you have any records of previous EUD meetings, conferences or events, please feel free to get in contact with us, so we can preserve it for the next generation to motivate and encourage other Deaf people to become politically active.

Ytterligare länkar:

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage:


Official website for the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2013:

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