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EUD presents its work at the European Disability Forum


On the 18th of September European Disability Forum (EDF) organised an internal training for its staff to deepen their knowledge about the work of EUD. The aim of the meeting was to present EUD’s current work and discuss how both organisations can better collaborate in the future. 

EUD gave a presentation on its work at the European Disability Forum office. EUD’s Policy team presented the structure of EUD, its vision, and its long-term goals. Among others, EUD representatives highlighted that for the deaf communities in the EU legal recognition of and the right to use a sign language, empowerment through communication and information, equality in education and employment and full accessibility of products and services are the key focus areas where progress is needed. 

EUD also highlighted that currently, it aims at supporting its members during the periods of transposition of the recently adopted EU accessibility legislation, such as the European Accessibility Act, the revised European Electronic Communications Code, and revised Audio-Visual Media Services Directive. These are the files that EUD and EDF worked on closely during their adoption and it was emphasised that collaboration between EUD and EDF must continue during the period of transposition too. Members from different organisations discussed how they can work together to support organisations on the national level. EUD also advised how to make information more accessible for the deaf audience and readers. 

EUD would like to thank EDF for hosting this important meeting and is looking forward to our future collaborations.

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