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  • Kontakta

Konferens som avslutar den första fasen av den förberedande åtgärden för en barngaranti

Preparatory Action for a Child Guarantee

På den 17th of February EUD attended the “Conference closing the first phase of the Preparatory Action for a Child Guarantee. ” The conference took place in Brussels.

In  2017,  the European Parliament (EP) requested  the European Commission to explore via a Preparatory Action, the feasibility of a possible “Child Guarantee” for children in vulnerable situations, which was called by the EP’s resolution of 24 November 2015 on reducing inequalities with a special focus on child poverty. The European Commission, as part of this Preparatory Action, has issued a Feasibility Study for a Child Guarantee. The study has examined how to ensure that the EU’s most disadvantaged children – children living in precarious family situations, children with a migrant background, children in alternative care and children with disabilities – have access to five key social services: adequate nutrition, free education, free healthcare, decent housing and free early childhood education and care.

The conference closed the first phase of the Preparatory Action. It was an excellent opportunity to present the findings of the Feasibility Study for a Child Guarantee. The discussions at this conference, will feed into the Final Report of the Feasibility Study.

EUD will continue to closely follow the developments regarding the delivery of Child Guarantee.

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